Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cold Tangerines

I felt like One Thousand Gifts was a book that really got me in a good state of mind.  So I had heard about this book on a few blogs and was interested in it.  So I ordered it from Amazon and it did not disappoint!

This is a book about finding God in the little parts of your daily life... in the good and the bad.  I felt like I was talking to a good friend when I was reading this book.  It's like Shauna Niequist has been inside me head.  I think that I loved this book so much because living in the present and finding God in the good as well as the bad, has been a theme for me this past year.

If you like the themes from One Thousand Gifts, but were not a fan of the prose, this may be just the book for you.  This book was like having a good chat with a girlfriend.  I even loved the font of the book...  totally random, but it just seemed to clean.

I recommend reading this one!  It is a fast read and just good.  I even have her second book which I cannot wait to read soon!

Read: July 2012
Pages:  235

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