As soon as I finished 11/22/63, I picked up this book and it was really, really hard for me to put down. When I read Shauna Niequist's other book,
Cold Tangerines, I wanted to savor the book. Because the last book I read took for.ever, I wanted to read this one as quickly as I could. Each chapter was a short sweet little vignette so it made reading it quickly super easy.
Shauna's {do you like how I address her by first name, as if we are bff...} books are kinda like little memoirs. Which are one of my favorite sorts of books {Krissy, you most likely won't enjoy her books ;)}.
This particular book is about a difficult season in her life and what she has learned from it. She says that a friend once told her that Christianity is a story of death and rebirth, over and over again. At that time she had not had big heartbreak, so it didn't really resonate with her. But after the events that happen in her life which she shares in this story, she wholeheartedly agrees. As do I.
Maybe I really liked this because I have had some experiences very, very similar to hers. Maybe it's because I too was in a dark season recently and I had to do what she did. Learn that life is bittersweet. Even in struggle, there are moments of sweetness. That is what gets us through.
If you have ever been heartbroken for whatever reason, you may enjoy this book. I feel like you need to have lived a little life to appreciate her stories. A young one just starting out may not connect to it yet.
Read: September 2012
Pages: 256
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