Monday, September 13, 2010

The Better Part

When I was on Amazon ordering Raising Boys, I researched Catholic books on prayer. This one really looked interesting to me. I am so thankful that I ordered it!
This book teaches you how to meditate each day. The beginning of the book teaches you how to meditate. There are even examples of what this would look like. A novice like me needs all the help she can get! Then it includes the four gospels along with insights into those gospel readings. The most powerful part of this book for me has been one of the steps of meditation: the commitment.
In the few short weeks of reading this book and beginning to meditate, I can already see a difference in my prayer life. I am so thankful that God led me to take my relationship to a deeper level with this book.
I highly recommend this one for any Catholic looking to grow. It really will help you to committing time in your super busy life to meditation and growing closer to Christ.
Read: Began Beginning Sept. 2010

Raising Boys

Crazy as it may seem, I am not one to read lots of parenting books. They just stress me out. I think that some knowledge of what to expect at different ages is good, but too much stresses me out! I was interested in reading a little bit about raising a son though. Boys are just foreign to me. :)
This book really was a nice read. It discusses how boys and girls really are different. Gave some great advice for raising boys. Talk to them lots was the main piece of advice that I took from this. I already knew this, but it is always good to be reminded! Steve Biddulph gives some really interesting research that I liked reading about the research behind the advice.
This book might be a little hokey in places but overall I really did enjoy it. I would highly recommend this for boyMoms like me.

Pages: 216
Read: Beginning Sept. 2010